When it comes to hair removal, I like to do my waxing at home and save a few dollars. Self waxing is a simple task, but if you’ve never tried it before it might seem intimidating. The good news? Taking care of your unwanted hair growth is easier than you’d imagine. All you need is a good waxing kit and plenty of patience!
It took me many years to perfect my waxing regime through a lot of trial and error. Be sure to use these nine tips and tricks I learned through my home waxing experiences!
- 9 tips for painless Waxing at home
- #1 - Start Making Preparations Ahead of Time
- #2 - Take Time to Exfoliate
- #3 - Time is of the Essence
- #4 - Make Sure Your Hair is the Right Length
- #5 - Start Small
- #6 - Brazilian Waxes = More Time and Consideration
- #7 - Hesitation is Not Your Friend…
- #8 - …But Distraction Could Be!
- #9 - After-Care is Essential
- Conclusion
9 tips for painless Waxing at home
#1 - Start Making Preparations Ahead of Time

To ensure that you have an ideal waxing experience, you’ll want to start by making sure you think everything through. If you are committed to doing all of your waxing at home, you’ll want to look into the best wax warmer and hard wax you can find.
Still exploring the idea? Make sure you find a high-quality throw-away kit —and remember that you get what you pay for! You should also take the time to watch a waxing video like the one below to get the basics down; this can help you get a better idea of the process before you try it yourself.
You’ll also want to think ahead in terms of after-treatment. Do you have sensitive skin? Find a lightweight, non-scented lotion and put it in the fridge the night before you wax. After you’re done, you’ll be able to apply it to your skin for a cooling and calming sensation. You’ll thank me later.
#2 - Take Time to Exfoliate

Before you get ready to wax, you’ll want to make sure that you take the time to clean and exfoliate the skin you plan on waxing.
This will help to get rid of dead skin cells that would otherwise get in the way of your waxing routine. Once you get rid of these cells the wax will be able to grip your skin more firmly and you’ll be able to remove more hair with each pass.
If you plan on waxing long-term, you should make it a point to exfoliate more often. This will help to give you the smooth and soft skin you’ve been looking for and leave you feeling light and refreshed.
You should make it a point to exfoliate at least two to three times a week, but there’s no limit to how often you can use this cleansing method. I currently exfoliate about five times a week and my skin feels wonderful!
Exfoliating will also help to reduce the number of ingrown hairs you deal with, so you’ll want to make sure you spend extra time cleansing your legs! This is the number one spot for ingrown hairs so make sure you reduce the likelihood of getting ingrown hairs by ensuring that all dead skin cells are removed from your legs.
#3 - Time is of the Essence

If you’re attempting an intensive waxing procedure, you’re going to want to make sure you have plenty of time to feel relaxed while you’re ripping away.
I like to make sure the house will be empty during the hours that I’m going to be waxing.
If you want to give yourself a brazilian, make sure that you avoid the five days before your period and any day of your period at all costs! You’ll be hypersensitive to all pain during this time period, so if you can avoid waxing at all I’d recommend it.
Conversely, if you want to plan your waxing based on your strongest days, make sure you do your waxing three to four days after your period. A woman’s pain tolerance is the highest at this time so you’ll likely have the best experience during these days.
Want to give yourself a male Brazilian? Waxing for men isn’t as painful as you’d think it’d be. As with any Brazilian waxing at home, you’ll want to take your time and be confident with every pull. You’ll also want to follow a few key techniques - but more on that later.
#4 - Make Sure Your Hair is the Right Length

Ensuring that your hair is the right length is essential regardless of what gender you happen to be. When it comes to self waxing, you need to be sure that you’ve properly prepared your body. Not following simple steps like making sure your hair is prepared can cause you a lot of unnecessary pain.
For ideal body waxing results, you need to make sure that your hair is between ¼ inch and ½ inch. Of all the waxing tips I have to share with you, this is by far the most important! If your hair is any shorter than ¼ of an inch the wax won’t be able to grip it properly and you’ll be left with patchy results at best.
If your hair is any longer than ½ inch the majority of your work will be breaking hair off above the root. This will be extremely painful and won’t give you the necessary results, making it a big waste of time. If your hair is longer than ½ inch you can prevent this issue by using trimmers to shave the area.
#5 - Start Small

Although it may be tempting to coat the whole area in wax at once, you’re going to be better off if you start small.
If you don’t think you can follow through with the whole procedure on your own after the first pull, you’ll be able to abandon ship instead of being forced to rip it all off anyway.
Apply the wax in the same direction that the hair grows. You’ll want to make sure that the wax is warm without being hot enough to burn your skin. Once you’ve put the wax on you’ll want to apply your waxing strip and let it sit for a few moments.
Thirty seconds should do depending on the size of the area you’re waxing. When you’re ready to remove the strip, pull fast and in the opposite direction of your hair growth. It will sting a bit - especially if it’s your first time waxing - but the pain will fade quickly and lessen if you continue to use waxing as your hair removal method.
#6 - Brazilian Waxes = More Time and Consideration

Taking on brazilian waxing at home? You’ll need to be extra careful about how you do your waxing. What may seem warm on your wrist can turn out to be scalding for your pubic region.
If you’re not sure about the temperature it’s better to err on the side of caution and let it cool more. Unless you have invested in waxing products like a wax warmer, you’ll want to make sure you invest in a very high-quality throw away kit; this is not the time to take the cheap way out!
When you’ve let the wax cool a bit and applied it to your skin, pull the skin taut and rip the strip off in the opposite direction of your hair growth. This will minimize pain greatly for both men and women. Most women will be able to do this on their own with only the help of a mirror.
Men however, tend to struggle a bit more when it comes to waxing the scrotum area. Luckily, with a little assistance (perhaps from a partner) you should be able to hold the skin taut enough to greatly reduce the pain.
#7 - Hesitation is Not Your Friend…
I cannot stress this enough: Even though waxing can be intimidating, pulling the waxing strips off slowly is never the answer. In fact, this will increase your pain tremendously and likely leave hair behind that would have been removed otherwise. If you aren’t certain about being able to pull the strips off properly on your own, it never hurts to ask a friend or romantic partner.

This is especially important for men who want to be able to wax their pubic regions. The scrotum is a very sensitive area and needs to be treated with care. Even though the hair doesn’t grow very deep in this region, it can be a painful process if you aren’t able to pull your skin tight enough or rip the strip off fast enough.
If you’re new to self waxing, one of the best home waxing tips I can give you is to start with an area that isn’t so sensitive and doesn’t have a lot of surface area (like the your face or ankle) and ask a friend to help you. This will help you get used to the process and give you more confidence when it comes to taking on bigger challenges.
#8 - …But Distraction Could Be!
Another great way to lower the stress associated with waxing is to incorporate a distraction. Turning on your favorite Spotify playlist or putting on a TV show in the background can help to take your mind off the pain and make the process more bearable.
If you do choose to take this route, make sure you don’t choose something that will prove to be too distracting. You don’t want to watch a newly released episode of your favorite show - especially if you’re waxing your more sensitive areas.
Find a show that gives you a sense of nostalgic comfort and go for it. I prefer to tune into an episode when I’m ripping off a waxing strip. It helps to minimize my hesitation and reduce the pain.
#9 - After-Care is Essential

Last but not least, don’t forget to take care of your skin after the fact! Baby oil is great for removing any excess wax that’s stuck on your skin. Once you’ve got the wax off, clean your skin with cool water.
If you remembered to put that bottle of lotion in the fridge last night, now is the time to lather it over your skin and bask in the sensation of relief it will bring you!
You’re also going to want to be careful about what you expose your skin to for the next twenty-four hours. Scented products and treatments should be high on your list of things to avoid. They’re filled with alcohol based products and are more likely to dry out and irritate your skin.
It’s going to be tempting, but laying out in the sun isn’t a good idea either. Your skin is more likely to be burned in the first twenty-four hours after you’ve been waxed. Trust me, any short term gain you think you’ll benefit from is not worth it.
See? Waxing at home really isn’t as intimidating as it seems and you’ll love the long-term benefits that come from it. I’ve learned a lot of these waxing tips on my own through trial and error, but the end result has been a hair removal regimen that makes obtaining soft and smooth skin entirely possible with a little work and determination!
Did you enjoy this list of home waxing tips and tricks? Share your thoughts below and share this article with your friends so they can become self waxing pros, too!
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